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Managing Patient Distress in Healthcare Encounters

Managing Patient Distress in Healthcare Encounters
Empowering Clinicians, Enriching Patient Care

Effective communication between clinicians and patients is paramount to delivering high-quality care in today's healthcare landscape. Emotive conversations, which often involve sensitive topics and deep emotions, require unique skills to navigate successfully. Clinicians equipped to approach and managed these conversations with empathy and understanding can significantly enhance the patient experience and improve health outcomes.

Our specialised course empowers clinicians with the tools and strategies to excel in these challenging clinical conversations. By delving into the intricacies of emotions in patient interactions, participants will better understand how emotions impact communication and learn evidence-based recommendations to better prepare for and manage emotive discussions.

Through a combination of theoretical insights and practical exercises, participants can engage in simulated conversations in a safe and supportive environment. This hands-on approach allows clinicians to practice and refine their communication skills, ultimately boosting their confidence when entering and holding emotive conversations with patients and their families.

By mastering the art of emotive communication, clinicians can foster stronger connections with their patients and build trust and rapport, which are essential for effective healthcare delivery. Empathising with patients, understanding their emotions, and communicating effectively can improve patient satisfaction, adherence to treatment plans, and overall health outcomes.

Join us on a transformative journey to enhance your clinical practice and elevate your patient care experience. You can significantly impact the lives of those you serve by honing your communication skills and deepening your understanding of emotions in healthcare conversations.

Enrol in our course today and take the first step towards empowering yourself and enriching the quality of care you provide your patients.



  • Impact of patients' emotions on clinical communication and clinical outcomes  
  • Positive impact of clinician empathy on patient outcomes  
  • Identify patient emotions  
  • Evidence-based strategies for responding to patient distress.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course, a participant will be able to:
LO1 Discuss the impact of patients’ emotions on clinical communication and clinical outcomes. 
LO2  Identify the positive impact of clinician empathy on patient outcomes (if they can do this … this assumes they are familiar with the science of empathy
LO3 Demonstrate your ability to identify patient emotions
LO4  Apply evidence-based strategies for responding to patient distress in a way that builds trust and increases engagement with treatment decision-making.


Course delivery method

Online - delivered through live webinars each week for the 4 modules. 

Zoom Schedule:

  1. Thursday 7 November - 5:30pm - 7:00pm
  2. Thursday 14 November - 5:30pm - 7:00pm
  3. Thursday 21 November - 5:30pm - 7:00pm
  4. Thursday 28 November - 5:30pm - 7:00pm.

Course pre-requisites

Participants working in the field of health and/or medicine.

Additional Information

For terms and conditions, please view here.


Course fees
 Standard  $997 (incl. GST)
 Alumni/Staff  Please contact [email protected]
Enrol Now

You will need to login or create an account in our system to enrol.

Enrol Now

You will need to login or create an account in our system to enrol.

Online event
Thursday, 07 November 2024 to
Thursday, 28 November 2024
15 CPD Hour/s
Delivered Online


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