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Placement Educator Development Course

Placement Educator Development Course
Our flexible online program is designed to help allied health placement educators enhance their teaching skills.

As an allied health placement educator, you play a pivotal role in shaping the professional journeys of your students. Our online program is meticulously designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge to excel in this role, whether you're an experienced educator or new to placement supervision. This program offers flexibility, allowing you to engage with the content at your own pace, ensuring it fits seamlessly into your busy schedule.

The course is organized into eight comprehensive modules, each addressing key aspects of placement education. You can choose to complete all modules or select those most relevant to your needs. Each module includes approximately 2.5 hours of content, culminating in an interdisciplinary Zoom workshop where you can apply what you've learned in a collaborative setting.

Click here to enrol. Access to the modules will be given on Friday 20 September. These modules are to be completed by the Live webinar on Friday 11 October.

Program Benefits:

Upon completing the program, participants will receive a statement of participation, acknowledging their commitment to professional growth. This course not only enhances your teaching capabilities but also contributes to improving the overall quality of the student placement experience, ultimately benefiting the broader healthcare community.

By joining this program, you'll become part of a community of educators dedicated to excellence in allied health education, with opportunities to network, share insights, and learn from peers across various disciplines. Whether you choose to engage with one module or all eight, this program is designed to support your ongoing professional development journey.


  1. Preparing for Placement (Compulsory):
  2. This foundational module helps you understand the critical roles of both the placement educator and the student. You'll explore the factors that influence student success on placement and learn how to effectively prepare your site to accommodate students with diverse learning needs.

  3. Planning Quality Learning Experiences:
  4. Learn how to set up for success by planning the logistics of placement, ensuring psychological safety, and supporting students through a strong educational alliance. This module also debunks common myths about learning styles, emphasizing evidence-based approaches.

  5. Evaluating Placements:
  6. This module focuses on evaluating the learning experiences you provide, with an emphasis on self-reflection as an educator. You'll develop strategies to assess and improve the quality of the placement experience for your students.

  7. Effective Feedback:
  8. Discover the principles of effective feedback, including how to build credibility and feedback literacy. You'll learn how to encourage a growth mindset in your students through learning conversations and explore various models of feedback to enhance your educational practice.

  9. Principles of Assessment:
  10. Gain insight into key assessment principles, learning to recognize signals that may indicate a student is struggling. This module also covers how to support students at risk of failing, manage situations where students do fail, and provides an overview of discipline-specific assessment tools.

  11. Facilitating Reflective Practice:
  12. Reflective practice is crucial for lifelong learning. In this module, you'll explore models of reflective practice, learn how to facilitate practical reflection during placements, and assess your students' capacity to reflect meaningfully on their experiences.

  13. Facilitating Peer Learning:
  14. Peer learning is a powerful educational tool. This module defines peer learning, delves into the theory behind it, and provides practical strategies for implementing peer learning on placement, enhancing collaborative learning opportunities among your students.

  15. Facilitating Interprofessional Learning:
  16. Interprofessional collaboration is increasingly vital in healthcare. This module helps you identify interprofessional learning opportunities within your setting, provides resources for educators, and guides you in planning effective interprofessional learning experiences for your students.

Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate the ability to design and implement effective placement learning experiences that cater to the diverse needs of students, ensuring their success and professional growth.
  • Apply key principles of feedback and assessment to support student development, identify struggling students, and implement strategies for managing students at risk of failing.
  • Facilitate reflective and peer learning practices that encourage lifelong learning and collaboration among students, fostering a supportive and inclusive educational environment.
  • Identify and create opportunities for interprofessional learning within the placement setting, enhancing students' readiness for collaborative practice in multidisciplinary healthcare teams.
  • Critically evaluate and reflect on your own practice as a placement educator, using self-assessment tools and feedback to continually improve the quality of the learning experiences you provide.

Course Delivery Method

This course will be delivered online, with a focus on self-paced learning and activities. Each module is approximately 2.5 hours.

You will have access to online content from the 20th of September 2024 and there will be a series of six workshops throughout the course as follows:

  1. Preparing for Placement (Compulsory): 11.10.24
  2. Planning Quality Learning Experiences: 15.10.24 (combined planning and evaluating)
  3. Evaluating Placements: 15.10.24 (combined planning and evaluating)
  4. Effective Feedback: 23.10.24
  5. Principles of Assessment: 28.10.24
  6. Facilitating Reflective Practice: 4.11.24
  7. Facilitating Peer Learning: 12.11.24 (combined peer and IPL)
  8. Facilitating Interprofessional Learning: 12.11.24 (combined peer and IPL)

Additional Information

This course is facilitated by a large multidisciplinary team of placement educators at the University of Sydney.

For terms and conditions, please view here.


Course fees
 Standard  Free

You will need to login or create an account in our system to enrol.


You will need to login or create an account in our system to enrol.

Online event
Friday, 20 September 2024 to
Tuesday, 08 October 2024
20 CPD Hour/s
Delivered Online


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