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Cathie Sherrington

Professor and Senior Principal Research Fellow
Professor Sherrington FAHMS, FACP, PhD, MPH, BAppSc (Physio) is Professor at Sydney School of Public Health, The University of Sydney. Prof Sherrington leads the 28-person Physical Activity, Ageing and Disability Research Stream within the Institute for Musculoskeletal Health (a partnership between the University of Sydney and the Sydney Local Health District) and is Deputy Director of the Institute. Prof Sherrington’s research focuses on promoting physical activity and preventing falls in older people and people with chronic disabling conditions. Prof Sherrington has authored 280+ refereed journal articles, including reports of 47 clinical trials (18 with NHMRC funding) and 26 systematic reviews. Prof Sherrington is ranked #3 researcher worldwide by Scopus ('independent living/falls) and Expertscape ('accident falls') and is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medicine Sciences and Australian College of Physiotherapists.