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Tino Mercado

Tino is the President of the Australia and New Zealand Academy of Periodontists (2024-2026) and was awarded the 2021 Australian Dental Association Service Medallion for his contributions to clinical periodontics, research, and teaching. He is the founding President of the Filipino-Australian Dental Association (FADA), which supports Filipinos and promotes their culture in Australia, organizes dental symposiums, and conducts charity missions in remote areas of Australia and the Philippines. Tino also chairs the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons NSW/ACT Regional Committee. He is an Associate Professor in the Periodontal Post-Graduate Departments at the University of Sydney, the University of Queensland, and Otago University. His research focuses on periodontal prognostication, Periodontal Medicine, mucogingival surgical techniques, and bone regeneration.