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Josh Zadro

NHMRS Emerging Leadership Fellow, USYD Robinson Fellow
Josh is an NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow, USYD Robinson Fellow, and physiotherapist within Sydney Musculoskeletal Health, School of Public Health, and Faculty of Medicine and Health. He completed his PhD in 2017 at the Faculty of Health Sciences, The University of Sydney, focusing on understanding the relationship between physical activity and low back pain. As of June 2024, he has published 110 peer-reviewed articles (>75% as first/second/senior author), secured $8.4M funding ($3M as CIA, including CIA grants from MRFF & NHMRC) & made 87 conference presentations (37 international, 19 invited). He has also received eight prestigious research awards: Young Researcher of the Year (Sydney Research, network of >20 research institutes in NSW), five conference presentation prizes, 1 ‘best paper’ award, and one media engagement award from an extensive, international and multidisciplinary research network (‘Wiser Healthcare’).